Good News For Those Post-Super Bowl, End-of-Football Season Blues!
For diehard fans who'd love just one more game there's the Ultra Bowl. If you’re one of the millions of football fans going through...
ULTRA BOWL in the News! My Op Ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Will there be a Super Bowl 100? Yes, but . . .We'll be outsourcing all the positions to robots February 4, 2016 12:00 AM By I. J....
The Future of Football: Will There Be A Super Bowl 100? And Could It Be Played by Robots?
As we celebrate the historic milestone of Super Bowl 50, I can’t help but wonder about the future of football. The “inconvenient truth”...
An “Open Letter to Will Smith” & Relief For Football Fans Reeling From “Concussion”
On Christmas morning football fans found a lump of coal in their stocking—Will Smith's new movie “Concussion.” The film has been called...
The Meaning of Football Violence (Part I)
It’s a time of reckoning for football, as well as soul searching for its fans. Scientific studies have made it abundantly clear that the...
ULTRA BOWL featured on DirtyWaterNews
Got the post-Super Bowl, end-of-football season blues? has the remedy — they've spotlighted & Tranding Now...ULTRA...
Human? A.I.? My Reddit AMA Highlight...
I love doing interviews because answering questions is how I often discover what I really think about something. During last Super Bowl...
My Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) Super Bowl Sunday 3-4pm ET
I'll be doing a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Super Bowl Sunday 3-4pm ET. I'm excited! People such as Jimmy Kimmel, Neil Degrasse...
It's Trending....
What about the problem of football violence? Revelations about the long-term effects of concussions have plagued the NFL and caused many...
The Robots are Coming!
I've been thinking alot about football and technology, time-traveling into the future in my imagination while writing ULTRA BOWL. To my...