Good News For Those Post-Super Bowl, End-of-Football Season Blues!
For diehard fans who'd love just one more game there's the Ultra Bowl. If you’re one of the millions of football fans going through...
ULTRA BOWL in the News! My Op Ed in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Will there be a Super Bowl 100? Yes, but . . .We'll be outsourcing all the positions to robots February 4, 2016 12:00 AM By I. J....
The Future of Football: Will There Be A Super Bowl 100? And Could It Be Played by Robots?
As we celebrate the historic milestone of Super Bowl 50, I can’t help but wonder about the future of football. The “inconvenient truth”...
ULTRA BOWL featured on DirtyWaterNews
Got the post-Super Bowl, end-of-football season blues? has the remedy — they've spotlighted & Tranding Now...ULTRA...